Learn R Markdown Basics

We can have R codes, results and interpretation of results in one document by using R Notebook for the data analysis. R Notebook is an R Markdown document that can be executed independently and interactively, and it interacts with R directly while producing a reproducible document with publication-quality output.Therefore, at least a basic knowledge in R Markdown is needed to use R Markdown and R Notebook. Some basic concepts required are given below, and you can learn more by using the lessons given in RStudio website https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/lesson-1.html.

R Markdown Basics

To start a new paragraph “end a line with two or more spaces”
To make the text *italics*: italics, write the relevant text within * or _ sign
To make the text **bold**: bold, write the relevant text within ** or __ sign
To use both **_italic and bold_** : italic and bold, write the relevant text within two astarics and underscore.
To obtain a superscript use superscript^2^: superscript^2^
To obtain a subcript use subscript~2~ : subscript~2~
To show ~~strikethrough~~: strikethrough
To add a URL to a text write the “Text within square brackets[], and write the URL of the website within normal brackets() [Text](URL of the website)
To add inline equation write the equation within two $ signs: $A = \pi*r^{2}$
To add an image to the document use ![Caption of the image](path/to/myimage.png)
To add an image in the web use ![A beautiful Bird](https://www.imperial.ac.uk/ImageCropToolT4/imageTool/uploaded-images/newseventsimage_1529346275459_mainnews2012_x1.jpg)
To add a plain code blocks, write what you want to quote within two ``` signs.

To add a code, write the code using one tick sign that indicates in the above: code.

To show a web link use <URL>. Example https://pushpa-wijekoon.netlify.com

To add a footnote use footnote1 [^1] and then type your footnote as [^1]: My footnote.


You can use section headings by using # sign.

  • The first level # Heading 1 gives

    Heading 1

  • The second level ## Heading 2 gives

    Heading 2

  • The third level ### Heading 3 gives

    Heading 3

  • The fourth level #### Heading 4 gives

    Heading 4

List Types

Ordered List

Suppose you have three items, and want to write them as 1. First item, 2. Second item and 3. Third item.
Then type them just as given above by giving the item number

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item

Unordered List

To prepare unordered lists, use * sign and then a space before each item.

  • List item
  • Another item
  • And another item

Nested list

To prepare nested lists, use * sign for the first level and then + sign for the next level.
Refer: https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/authoring_basics.html

  • First item
  • Second item
    • Second item First subitem
    • Second item second subitem
      • Second item Second subitem First sub-subitem
      • Second item Second subitem Second sub-subitem
      • Second item Second subitem Third sub-subitem
    • Second item Third subitem
      1. Second item Third subitem First sub-subitem
      2. Second item Third subitem Second sub-subitem
      3. Second item Third subitem Third sub-subitem
  • Third item

Blockquote with a citation

For block quote use > sign.

Where there is love there is life

Mahatma Gandhi

Horizontal Rule / Page Break

Use three or more asterisks or dashes to insert a horizontal rule


Tables can be added to R Markdown as below, and refer: https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/authoring_basics.html.

ID Month Count Year
1 January 250 2009
2 March 300 2012
3 May 350 2010

Colons can be used to align columns as left, center or right.

ID Month Count
align: left align: center align: right
align: left align: center align: right
align: left align: center align: right

Superscript, subscript, highlight etc

superscript^2^ 2^10^ is 1024

You can also use HTML tags as below:

H<sub>2</sub>O → H2O

C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>12</sub>O<sub>6</sub> → C6H12O6

a<sup>2</sup> + b<sup>2</sup> = c<sup>2</sup> → a2 + b2 = c2



<mark>Where there is love there is life</mark>Where there is love there is life

<cite>Mahatma Gandhi</cite>Mahatma Gandhi

1. RStudio Lessons
2. R Markdown: The Definitive Guide